Have a question about local development in general, DDEV-Local, or Docker, or anything else I can feign competence in? Bring your questions. If you sneak them to me in advance I might be prepared.
Randy Fay
OK, OK, (UNKNOWN), do you want to introduce yourself? If that's alright. If anybody doesn't want to, that's fine, too.
My name is (UNKNOWN), we are at Drupal seven environment right now, we need to go to nine and started going down the path of doing git-based work instead of the way we've been doing it today and got sucked into the world of containers and Docker and Kubernetes and trying to figure out what makes sense going forward.
OK, very good. And Paul, you kind of sort of introduced yourself, but you get to do it again if you want to. Well, you're recorded now so you practiced the pitch before you can do it better now.
Paul (INAUDIBLE), I'm with (INAUDIBLE) and my pitch is now better.
Ralph, you want to say hello and where you are and stuff?
Hi, I'm Ralph from Germany. I'm in content strategy and well, using DDEV for a while now.
And you still have a very old Mac, right?
Thanks to Apple. Still I'm able to buy a new one.
OK, Amy June, everybody knows you, but you can still introduce yourself.
I know everyone knows me but Amy June, I am a community person for Canopy Studios. I'm also their QA engineer. And I like to come to these because I work in the community. So I use all environments and I'm always like curious what's new because I'm not a developer, but I still need to have an environment on my machine. So I like to come to these just to hear the words and what people are doing and what solutions people have because I'm also a mentor and I don't set up local machines and I send them to Randy. So that's why I'm here today.
Thank you, Leslie, you want to introduce yourself?
Sure. I'm Leslie Glenn from Boston, Massachusetts. I have used DDEV sprint as a sprint mentor before at several DrupalCons. So thank you, Randy. It's always great always works great. So I appreciate that. I am not dev ops at all. The company I work with right now, Redfin Solutions up in Maine has a homegrown VM on Docker. So I just want to listen in and see what's new with DDEV-Local.
Excellent, great to great to have you. Leslie was referring to the quick sprint package that has DDEV in it. It was actually developed for in-person-type things. But what it does is it packages up DDEV and everything it needs it all at once. So that at a conference you can have it pre-downloaded or it can be distributed there. And it also gets Drupal checked out in a perfect way for doing core development. So that may be useful for this week's Contrip. So Len you want to introduce yourself? You're muted still.
Yes, OK. And I just unmuted myself. Hi, my name is Len Lamberg. I'm retired. I'm trying to do a lot of development on my own. I run a site for my wife, who is a writer, and It's got a lot of text in it and it's in Drupal seven and I'm looking to migrate it to Drupal nine. And I'm very anxious to hear more about using DDEV to do migration.
Cool, yeah, let's get that and let's make sure we do that. There's actually a great article on migrations with DDEV, and I'll give you the link.
You gave me the link yesterday and I appreciate it. And I've got a question about it regarding the different version of the database driver.
OK, good. Joan, do you want to quickly introduce yourself? And then Terry.
Hi, my name's Joan (UNKNOWN), I work at UMass Amherst and I use DDEV for local environment and before that, I was just primarily D7 and it didn't do anything locally. So the whole git and everything was new. But I've been doing that for a while now, so it's not new anymore. And I use DDEV all the time. So I just have a few little questions that I'm sure you'll be able to answer.
Cool. OK, Terry.
OK, yeah, I'm Terry (UNKNOWN), I have a small hosting company and Drupal development company. And I basically had a local server for my testing environment, which recently died. So I'm looking for alternatives at this point as opposed to buying yet another server and setting it up. But so I've actually been trying to install the DDEV since yesterday and have not had any luck. And so I have a bunch of questions about that.
(INAUDIBLE) and I'll be happy to help you. Probably, are you already committed to something after this? Because I think the best thing for us to do would be to sit down one on one and just work through it on Zoom.
No, I don't think so.
Yeah, why don't we just do that after this, let's plan to carry on after this and we'll just work through your exact problems? Ellie and then David.
Hello, I'm Ellie, I work with Randy at DDEV. I've been using DDEV-local since DrupalCon Nashville as part of the DrupalCon mentoring team. Yeah, I'm just here to listen in mostly.
Hey, everybody, I'm David, I'm a developer at Georgia Tech and all my sites have been D seven and I'm now moving into nine. And for local development, MAM was sufficient, but now I need something better for local development and looking to learn about DDEV.
Alright, very cool, Bernado, and then John.
Hey, I work for UTC, the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, and we actually are doing our new site on Drupal eight. So we've been using Group OBM and Lando a little bit, but we haven't fully set on on which solution to (INAUDIBLE) since we are on Acquia base. So, yeah, I'm just wanting to learn a little more about the alternatives, what you guys have found and I know Acquia is doing something with Lando so I wanted to ask a few things about that and how that looks with DDEV as well.
Hi, I use virtual box and vagrant but I wanted to see how DDEV configures and see if I could use it as a new local dev.
Very cool, OK, Adrian and Bob?
Well, I'm a developer, I work with Bob (INAUDIBLE) community in St. Charles, Illinois. Right now, we're using Lando mostly for our local development, but I've used Dev Desktop and had my own servers up and used LAMP stacks and that. So just basically I've heard about DDEV and I just want to hear more about it, because all I've heard is the name, basically.
And like Adrian said, we mostly use Lando, and that's because I don't want to learn yet another thing, but I'm always keeping my eyes open for other avenues. I'm curious what the difference is between Lando and DDEV and also what your thoughts are on some of these new development opportunities with maybe the Tugboat route or the Gitpod route, those types of things.
Looking forward to it. And let's say we skipped Aaron because he showed up in the middle of everything and then (INAUDIBLE) and Aaron. Ooh, two Aarons. So Aaron, (INAUDIBLE`) first.
Hi, yeah, I just kind of decided to pop in because local development is relevant to some of my interests. I do a lot of things with Lando, so I just figured I'd hang out here and see how things went.
OK, and (INAUDIBLE) and Aaron (INAUDIBLE).
Hi guys, can you hear me?
Your volume is really low. Just yell into the microphone or something. Aaron (INAUDIBLE), why don't you go ahead while that gets sorted out?
(INAUDIBLE). Yeah, sorry I was late I had a work call. Now, I'm just interested to learn more about other options for Local development. I've used that Dev Desktop exclusively and I know it's going away. So (INAUDIBLE).
(INAUDIBLE), did you get it working?
Yeah, hear me now?
Oh, yeah, I can hear you.
(INAUDIBLE) I'm a Google developer and I'm working with a company called (INAUDIBLE) Services, but right now, I have used Acquia Desktop, XAMPP, LAMP, this is my first time when I hear about DDEV I didn't work on it. But I have tried composer, (INAUDIBLE) composer (INAUDIBLE) Docker I like to work in the (INAUDIBLE) every time if I do something in Docker so I have to rebuild (INAUDIBLE) mean, I have to run the(INAUDIBLE) rebuild and again (INAUDIBLE) check my changes so I don't like Docker.
Excellent. So, yeah, let's go ahead and get going. First of all, I want to make sure that everybody knows why it's important to have a local development environment. It's so that you don't screw up your server and so that you have full flexibility to do what you need to do. If you don't have something other than your server to work on, then you are walking a high wire and guaranteed to fall off. It's just and plus you won't do what you need to do to experiment and work with things. And then the second thing that people ask is, well, why should I have an environment like DDEV, or like Lando or like Docksal when I used to just do it, I just set up Apache and PHP on my machine and it will work. Well, the answer is you can do it any way you want, but if you went to the Nightwatch session today and you watched what was going on with people trying to do the local native install, just installing all the packages and how difficult it was to do, then, you know that what you want is a repeatable local environment for your team and for yourself.
One that you can always count on to be configurable to the PHP version you need, the MariaDB version you need. All of those kinds of things, whether you need Apache or Ingeniux. As far as I'm concerned, if you know how to make your local environment go, you can do it in any way you want. If you're on a team though and you don't want to spend the rest of your life supporting your team, you probably have to use the likes of DDEV or Lando where you can check it in. And it works the same on every platform and each project has all of the stuff configured with it. So those are some of the basic questions. Now we're gonna come back and apologize that I didn't write down each of the questions you had, but I don't mind if you unmute and come in on those. I'm gonna first answer Terry's question. Terry said that he couldn't find DDEV once he installed Homebrew on Linux. So, Terry here's the docs link. I just posted it in the thing here, and that shows you how to use Homebrew. You have to brew tap, drudge DDEV DDEV.
And so you have to do a brew tap or you have to brew install with the full formula. So that link will get that for you. So that'll get you that next step. But you and I can hang around and we'll get you all the way through after this and I'll be happy to work with you directly. WSO2 is a wonderful choice for a development environment.
Yeah. Just so you know, Randy, I did all that and I've been doing it like whole last night.
I'll be happy to help you.
The other thing is the link you just put in there is for, you know, the Mac OS and Linux, but in fact, they don't seem to work the same. For instance, I just did a search, a brew search for GCC because that was part of the original command that was on the web page. And it came up with just a cask. And from what I understand, a cask is only for Mac.
(INAUDIBLE) that you're getting into Homebrew specifics and you're on WSO2. So what the instructions say is just to brew install GCC. So see if you can do that.
No, I can't.
GCC is not a cask but we'll be happy to.
Yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't find it at all. I mean I did a brew search for it and the only thing that came up was a cask.
We'll work together in your environment and you can share your screen and we'll find our way through it. So and that'll be great. OK. OK, and Len shared the link to migrations. So the magic, so can everybody see where Len shared the link about using DDEV in a migration? The basic idea on a Drupal migration is that essentially you iteratively work through a whole bunch of little migrations. It's always been a little challenging because they'd say we'll hook up to databases and all this stuff. And the brilliant thing that Alex Moreno has documented here is just how to run two DDEV sites, one with your old in Drupal six in this case. But the idea there's no difference in the idea if it was Drupal seven, you run the old one and you run the new one and then you have them talk to each other. So you're basically looking at the Drupal six and the Drupal while you're working on the migration in the Drupal eight. And then the other thing is DDEV has a wonderful thing called a snapshot feature, where each point where you got the migration working, you do a snapshot and you name the snapshot with a good name that implies where you got to and then you can use that as a starting point for the next iterative migration.
So that's the brilliance of that article that Alex wrote is how that goes. So you know, the migration itself is a whole topic and it's a big topic. But having it already set up to where the old and the new can talk to each other is a great thing. And then having the snapshot feature where you can do iterative work on it is really nice. Bernardo asked about integrations DDEV and Acquia. The DDEV d1.17, which should be out next week or the week after, depending on how my manual testing goes, is already available. It's been available in Alpha for some time and it has Acquia integration in it. It also has and Pantheon and DDEV-Live. It's a pull and a push is what it has. So what it's trying to do is to bring down database and files or push up database and files. Does that answer your question, Bernado?
Yes, it does. Do you know if you're gonna write an article for (INAUDIBLE) about it and why not?
Yeah, actually you can just go out to the DDEV releases page and you'll see the information about how to, I would love to have you use it right now because if you find things that can improve in this final stage of the release, it would be just a lovely thing. But DDEV in the latest in the upcoming version, it's already been out for a lot of people have been trying it. It's available there and in Homebrew, but DDEV now lets you script an integration with a little bit of (INAUDIBLE). So new Integrations don't require somebody to know a whole bunch of go and understand how to fit into the DDEV framework and stuff. So the Acquia integration is one of those integrations, one of the new integrations that's there. And it has both push and pull. Push, I want to warn everybody off. You'll see all through there that I'm trying to warn people off of push. Push is not a part of a normal workflow. Normally your upstream is the server and it is sacrosanct and you don't ever push a database to it. Your users are making changes to it all the time typically, but you usually pull from it in most people's workflows.
But DDEV people have asked for push for special case scenarios for quite some time and now it has it. So a good use of a push would be, say, a push to a staging server where you don't care about what you're overwriting. Another good use would be the very first time that you're pushing to a site. Those are good uses for push I'm sure that there's a number of other ones, but not with a traditional workflow where your poor site is sitting up there and you have a copy of it down on your local, you push it back up and blow away five weeks worth of history in your production side. Bob (INAUDIBLE), asked, can local developments in both Lando and DDEV and Docksal coexist? And the answer is absolutely yes. Both Lando and DDEV have a power-off command and essentially, if you Lando power off or DDEV power off, then you can do the other one immediately. Both Lando and DDEV also go to great lengths to make sure that you could actually use them with the same project. And that may not be something that worked.
That may not be something that gets tested enough. Actually, I learned about this problem with Amy June at DrupalCamp Colorado. She had a Lando, she had a Lando project. And I said, well, here we could just do this. It won't do any damage. There's nothing you can do. And in fact, something did go wrong and so DDEV checks before it uses its settings to see if it is, in fact, running DDEV. And I think I'm pretty sure that Mike (INAUDIBLE) said that (INAUDIBLE), said that Lando does the same kind of check. But I haven't tested that. But you absolutely if there are different projects, you're not gonna have any trouble if you do a power off before you do it And if you're doing the same project with both projects, it'll probably work, too. Does that answer your question?
Yes, thanks.
So Leslie wants to talk about Multisite. And with DDEV, Multisite basically means that a site changes its behavior based on the hostname that you access it with. And normally there's you know, a different site's subdirectory for each of the Multisites. And on DDEV, you can add a number of hostnames or even fully qualified domain names, but usually, hostnames is the better way to do it. You just add hostnames in the config.yaml or with the DDEV config command. And then the site responds to the different hostnames. And then it's just a matter of making sure that each of your Multisites is set up in the it's the site stack PHP, it to recognize that. So it's very straightforward. Does that answer your question, Leslie?
Yes, it does. Thank you.
OK. OK, Joan says about using drudge with DDEV. So you use DDEV exact drudge. DDEV in current versions, has an actual shortcut for that. So you can use a DDEV drudge. But you say, I probably need to install drudge globally, no, drudge in the current stable version, 1.16 is installed, drudge eight is installed globally. But Joan, what version of Drupal are you working with?
I just recently downloaded the latest version of eight, whatever the latest version is. Yeah, so that's that, and I just checked my version of DDEV, and that's 1.153 1.153 is the DDEV version.
Yeah, so DDEV the current need of is 1.16, and that's the one where DDEV drudge was introduced. And also there's a few answers here. If you're working with Drupal eight, then you really need to install drudge with composer. That's the way drudge is intended to be used. So and if DDEV, go ahead.
I'm gonna be going in nine, so I might have (INAUDIBLE) because I just learned yesterday when I was reading up, is that you know eight won't be supported or something like that updated up to November 2021. So yeah.
Nine and eight are the same. There's no difference. Nobody, nobody at this point starting a site would have any reason to use eight for it. Nine is what you would want to use. But the very first thing you do, you bring it up with DDEV and you do a DDEV composer require drudge/drudge. And that'll install Drudge for you. And that if you just search for if you just Google DDEV Drupal nine QuickStart, you will immediately find the recipe to create a Drupal nine site using composer that includes drudge. You'll immediately find that.
OK, so I've been using composer to create my projects. But are you saying that creating the project in Drupal nine will take care of the installing drudge along with it?
No, drudge doesn't come with Drupal, but you need it. And the way the drudge team wants you to install it is with composer and site install with composer. So it would be DDEV composer require drudge/drudge.
That's easy. That's easy. Quick. It's just part of
So and in regards to DDEV and 1.16. Obviously, I should update to that version, right?
What operating system are you on?
You are on a Mac. Did you use Homebrew to install it?
Yes I did, yeah.
OK, so you just do a brew update and brew upgrade DDEV.
I would like to say that I think your instructions and I've referred to your site a bunch of times and it's clear and I appreciate that you seem to pick up the things people run into and put those solutions on there. So thank you.
You're very kind. Thank you. You also asked about the composer memory problems?
And this is a this is a big one. So DDEV in 1.16 allows you to use composer two in 1.17 composer two is the default. Basically, people who are using composer two don't have the memory problem anymore. But the reality is people who use DDEV composer didn't have it in the first place. So they rarely ran into the memory crash problem because it was running inside Docker. So, no, you don't have to do that. But I recommend that you use. This is actually an important topic. So let's just generalize this idea. OK, so what happens if you use composer on your Mac to do a compose or install or whatever? It's using the PHP version that you have on your Mac, and that PHP version has a few extensions enabled. But do they have any relationship to the extensions that are on your server or in your development environment? They don't. They have nothing to do with it. So what you want to do and I think this is true in Lando, it's true everywhere, is you really want to do the compose or install inside the hosting environment, inside the development environment.
So DDEV has that built in. So you use DDEV composer and then whatever command you have. And then you'll be doing the installation with the PHP version that you're configured with, with the extensions that you expect to have, and all those kinds of things. This is even more important for people who work on Windows for a number of reasons, but it's super important. And it's important if you're Lando or Docksal, the same thing holds true. Don't use your host PHP and composer to do composer operations because it just leads to all kinds of confusion and incorrectness as well.
That's good. So is that on your site?
DDEV composer?
Yes. In terms of say speeding up a Drupal nine.
Yeah. So just search. Just Google DDEV Drupal nine QuickStart and it'll take you straight there. And then you can paste the link there.
Thanks a lot. So as you said, the way I've been doing it, and you just mentioned that it's known that you run into problems.
Oh, yeah, of trouble.
It's amazing what happens. And so I'm gonna do that, so thank you.
And that actually that goes back to the same thing that we were saying at the top. When you try to use the composer or PHP that's on your machine, you're using what's on your machine. What if you happen to be what if you had Homebrew in there or whatever version of composer might have been, you know, and it isn't related to what your site needs. And that's why if you use a consistent environment like the one that you'll find inside, the one configured for DDEV or Lando or Docksal, then you'll have a consistent behavior of composer and everything else.
I wouldn't (INAUDIBLE) asking one more question if there is time.
I would mind asking one more question.
Why don't you? Yeah.
DDEV if I do a start on one project, can I do it on multiple ones at the same time?
You actually can. You can DDEV start project one, project two, project three, it takes arguments on the command line. You can actually do a DDEV start-a or --all and that'll start everyone that it knows about, which I don't recommend doing on my machine because I've usually got too many.
OK, I could probably DDEV (INAUDIBLE). I'll have to look that up the code. What you're saying is, so if I didn't want to do all, I just wanted to do two of it, you know what I mean?
Yeah. So you just do DDEV start and then the name of the first one and the name of the second one and the name of the third one. don't usually do that because what just leave them going until I don't need them and then I turn them all off. So I end up with several running and then my Docker runs out of memory and then I remember that I should shut them all up off then I do DDEV power off and start the process over again.
OK, thank you.
Bernardo was talking about a Drupal VM to Lando with BLT, there's a great article if you just search for Awesome DDEV and you look for BLT, there's an article in the Awesome DDEV repo about BLT. And I think that might help you. They claim there is. So Ralph is asking the best approach to define a custom service. So a custom service is something that both DDEV and Lando are really very good at. I can speak better to DDEV of course. In DDEV, a custom service usually means that you're actually running a separate container, a new container. So if you add a custom service, custom means not provided by DDEV out of the box. DDEV out of the box provides a web container and a database container and then a few other miscellaneous things that aren't directly related to a specific site. But each site comes with, by default, a web service, and a database service. So a custom service is something else that you want to add on to this. So Ralph mentions Elasticsearch, the most common one in the world for Drupal is Solr Apache Solr.
And it basically means that you're using the Docker composer capabilities to configure another one. So if you look for additional services in the DDEV docs it will give examples of about four of them and links to them. But it also links to the ddev-contrip project, which has probably a dozen more. And frankly, what most people do is copy and paste. So getting past the copy and paste stage little bit of knowledge of Docker compose, or it requires us to spend some time in the DDEV channel in the Drupal slack. And there's a lot of that going on and there's a lot of people there that will help. So there's a lot of options is Elasticsearch, about page on Docker Hub. So on Docker Hub, you're looking at the docs for the image itself. And then if you look at the recipe in ddev-contrip, you're looking at a Docker compose recipe that uses that image. And so now you want to go past that and use Unomi and the really the best way to do that is to try to understand what's going on. You know, read the docs, try to look at the comparable ones and then go for help in the DDEV channel in the Drupal Slack.
So is that a good enough answer Ralph? Because.
Yeah, it basically is what might be out of the scope of (INAUDIBLE)? Ask me anything, but I'm a bit confused because if you take a look at the Docker Hub about page there is the environment lines, those short ones. And if you compare it to, for example, it's the Elastic one I've mentioned in the ddev-contrip it's extensive and compelling.
Yeah, but again, they're showing you the environment for the container and the ddev-contrip recipe is a different thing. Now, the other thing is when you're at the about page on Docker Hub, you're most likely looking at the latest version, and the recipe that somebody posted on the ddev-contrip may not be the same.
Yeah. Anyway, those are that I'm happy to sit down and look at those with you side by side. We could do that today or tomorrow or Saturday, but it's all straightforward. So oh no, I don't want to say that. It's not easy to it relates to a particular image. That is definitely advanced and if, you know, tomorrow we've got time on the schedule for exploring a number of things. And custom services is one of them. You know, depending on who shows up, we might want to take that on tomorrow. So (UNKNOWN) pasted the Drupal nine QuickStart for us, thank you very much. And yeah, and Bob found the Acquia article about BLT, I think that's also by Alex, and thank you for posting the Awesome DDEV link as well. So now we've worked our way through the chat. Did I miss anybody's thing in the chat? Oh, yes, I did. Here they come right now. So Joan says, how would you comment on how we could best be prepared for the DDEV custom service for tomorrow? Oh, are you talking about so Joan, are you talking about tomorrow afternoon we're gonna have a number of if we put it as advanced topics, it's really people that are interested in more than just the basics.
It's not like we're gonna be requiring that you know something. We're gonna do a lot of fun things like Gitpod showing how you can develop in a browser and stuff like that. So maybe you could say more about what you were trying to say, Joan.
You just mentioned, was it Ralph? Who just, he was just talking about the custom service and how you might try (INAUDIBLE)? And that's what I was talking about, integrating, and maybe we talk about integration with other web services and how that might work? So I just wanted to get more information about that (INAUDIBLE). If I was to attend.
So if somebody would get the additional services or the custom services link from the DDEV docs and post that for Joan, that would be great. So that would be the first thing would be to read that. Although, Joan, you're not already using DDEV yet, right?
Yeah, I have been using it.
You have been using it?
Yeah, I mean for real. Maybe not to its full potential but yeah I've been using it.
OK, I just didn't, I didn't want you to start with the most complex thing there is.
(INAUDIBLE) and I can handle but you know (INAUDIBLE).
So yeah. So read the thing in the docs and then when you want to, when you want to go a step past that, then you'll have to read something about Docker compose. Because essentially what we're doing, a Docker and Lando and Docksal, This is an important topic, DDEV and Lando and Docksal are all wrappers on Docker compose. And so that means that once you get beyond the basics, you can use Docker compose concepts to do some pretty amazing things. And that's what we're talking about when we are adding a custom service, is we're using Docker compose directly to add facilities to DDEV. And so your next step, after reading the additional services thing, would be to read some introductory article on Docker compose so that it doesn't seem strange and unfamiliar.
Thank you.
OK (INAUDIBLE), OK (INAUDIBLE) OK. So (INAUDIBLE) is doing the exact Drupal nine QuickStart on Windows. And the DDEV composer-create does, in fact, create a new site and empties out your directory. And so, at the point that we have here, it says, would you like to continue? Because everything in DDEV site one is gonna be deleted. Well, (INAUDIBLE) looking (INAUDIBLE) one to make sure that you want to delete it all because that's unfortunate the way composer create-project works. Is it blows away the directory that you're working on. So does that answer the question, (UNKNOWN)?
I just followed the direction, so it was a brand new folder, so even doing a brand new folder following those directions gives that scary warning. So I'm assuming it's OK to say yes, I just don't like the typical person. For the people I admin, they're gonna all freak out when they see that. So I'm gonna have to put directions that say.
It might not have been a brand new folder. And.
It is was.
Well, no, no. For somebody else, it might not be, but the reality is it does have a .ddev folder in it now and that will be moved out of the way in this process. But if there were anything else in there, I actually have blown things away with this before. So it's a good warning and don't hit return too many times yourself, but. OK.
I just know from my typical site developers that aren't, you know, dev-ops site people, they're gonna see that and they're just gonna stop. So I'll have to just put my own documentation on top of this that explains that I have created a new folder here OK.
Yeah, you create a new folder you are OK, exactly. So Len points out that Mike (UNKNOWN) book about DDEV is awesome and gives a link there and it really is awesome. And also, Mike gives classes. He gives two-hour classes on DDEV. I think they used to be it free sometimes he gives them at conferences. They're always fairly priced. I think they used to be free, they used to be common for his other training. I think they're not free anymore but very, very worthy. And Mike is a great teacher. So yeah, that book is absolutely worth it. Are we giving away any of those Ellie?
Yep, there are a few books available in the mid-camp raffle as well as classes, so stick around for the closing session.
Yeah, so come to the closing session, which is today and tomorrow? There's a raffle or?
I believe that's what Abby said was everyday.
OK. Alright, so yeah, so you get your chance into the raffle for Mike's book and Mike's course right?
Yep, as well as free hosting on DDEV-Live.
Excellent, excellent. Yeah, lots of goodies, so. OK, so I think we got to the bottom of the chat again, so feel free to open up and ask your question. Or come back to one if I didn't do a very good job on it.
Well, Randy, I hate to say it, though. We've been having such fun, but we are (INAUDIBLE) a little bit over time.
Oh, I thought we were like an hour or more.
I beg your pardon, let me check the schedule again if I misspoke.
Anyway, regardless, for anybody that wants to we have lots of opportunity. We can spin off into another Zoom and or whatever we want to do. So and, of course, Terry and I are gonna do that anyway. But we can just split off into another Zoom very easily and go forward. And if anybody else has lingering things, we can do that as well. Len says I installed DDEV with Chocolatey and I think I need to upgrade. So you do a Choco upgrade DDEV. That's it.
From where do I do that? From the Ubuntu screen?
Oh, no. If no, if you're in Ubuntu then you didn't use Chocolaty. So Chocolaty is a Windows tool. So are you on WSO2?
If you're in WSO2 then you'll either use Homebrew and brew upgrade DDEV. The other option is you use the install tool and those are all in the front page of the DDEV docs about how to how to install and upgrade. But if you used Homebrew you'll do a brew upgrade DDEV.
It is doing that right now. You are very good.
OK. Paul, are we over or not?
Well, you can going for another five minutes, but then we might sort of having some new folks trickled in.
OK, so they'll come into this room. OK, so what I'm gonna do, we have five minutes and if people trickle in, then we're fine anyway. So Ellie, are you still here? Ellie, would you mind getting a Zoom link together and pasting it for us to continue on with and then you can just get us in there and make me the host, and that way we will continue on. Oh, OK, Aaron. Aaron already did it.
Faster on the draw.
Yeah. So he did it. And so we have a Zoom link in here. And I assume that when we get in there, you'll make me a host. And Terry, that's where we'll continue after this. And. Let me see here. So Joan says it may be good to (INAUDIBLE) or maybe tomorrow to talk about the DDEV folders that get installed with every project, that is a great idea. You know, Joan, are you're gonna come to the local development tomorrow morning?
Yeah, I did know that (INAUDIBLE) I've been using DDEV and discovering, of course, (INAUDIBLE) the better it is right? But yeah the DDEV you know, hidden folder on the Mac and all that and, you know, has its own setting files. And, you know, what I mean?
That would be great. That would be a great article. You know, I'm gonna put that in my list of blog posts and my backlog of blog posts, because that's a great idea and.
How that interacts with the other. Yeah, how it will interact.
Yeah. Yes, because, I mean, a lot of those things are there. I mean, you can find out all that information. Most people know about the config.yaml. A lot of people don't know about (UNKNOWN) that you can override things with additional files. Most people know about the (UNKNOWN), but what about their custom commands? And new in the DDEV D1.17 the provider's directories. And what about, you know, so that's s a great idea for an article. And I thank you for that good idea. And we can take a look at that in a few minutes on the other Zoom if you want. Or we can or we can take a look at that tomorrow. So one more question. Anybody have one more question before we switch to the other Zoom? I'm with you. Aaron, would you mind pasting that in the general in the slack as well? Because we'll all lose our way in between here and the other one? I am leaving and joining the other one, and I will see everybody there.
Randy, thank you so much. That was wonderful.